Alien Skin Eye Candy 2012 Full Crack |
Alien Skin Eye Candy adalah salah satu pluggin photoshop yang terdiri
dari 30 set filter photoshop yang elegan yang dapat menangani berbagai
desain dan logo yang apik dengan hasil akhir yang spektakuler. Alien
Skin Eye Candy ini juga dapat memberikan detail pada fenomena alam yang
lebih nyata dan sangat detail. Antarmuka Alien Skin Eye
Candy yang sederhana memudahkan penggunanya untuk menghemat banyak waktu ketika menggunakan Adobe Photoshop. Alien Skin
Eye Candy dibuat untuk menuntut lingkungan produksi dengan fitur seperti CMYK mode, CPU multi-core , dukungan 64-bit Photoshop, dan dua panel custom untuk Photoshop CS 4 dan diatasnya. Non-destruktif editing dicapai melalui Photoshop Smart Filter atau membuat efek pada layer baru.
Whats New Alien Skin Eye Candy 2012 Full Crack:
1. Perfomance
Under the hood, the Eye Candy rendering engine has changed
significantly. You will notice that the filters are much faster and can
run on much larger images than before. If you have a computer with one
or more multi-core CPUs, Eye Candy will take advantage of the modern
hardware to accelerate its rendering speed.
2. Scalling Modes
Eye Candy 6 adaptively scales filter effects to the current image size,
making it easy to get great looking results quickly. Factory settings
now work better than ever in the new adaptive mode. For those who want
precise control in a graphic design production environment, Eye Candy
also supports a fixed mode, which allows the filter effects to be
specified precisely in pixel units.
3. Settings
Settings have been reorganized and now have categories. If you are new
to a filter, the Settings Tour category takes you on a trip through the
filter’s most interesting effects. The factory settings were completely
remade. There are now over 1500 carefully designed settings that handle
a wide range of common design tasks.
4. Fire
The Fire filter now looks more natural. Sharp edges have been smoothed to look more like realistic gaseous flames.
5. Panels
Panels for Photoshop CS4 are provided for starting Eye Candy filters
with a single click and for quickly creating attractive buttons.
6. Non-Destructive Editing
All of the filters now have the option to draw their output on a new
layer. In Eye Candy 5 this feature was only available on some filters
and it didn’t work the same for all filters. Now all filters
consistently apply their effect to a copy above the original layer. The
new layer is named after the setting used. All of the filters work as
Smart Filters when applied to Smart Objects in Photoshop. These
features contribute to a non-destructive workflow.
7. Professional Features
Eye Candy is made for professionals in demanding production environments
who need support for 16-bit/channel images and CMYK mode. Eye Candy 6
now takes advantage of multi-core CPUs to run fast on modern machines.
Eye Candy 6 is one of the first plug-ins to work with the 64-bit version
of Photoshop.
Host Requirements:
This product requires one of the following host applications:
- Adobe Photoshop CS3 or later
- Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 or later
System Requirements:
1024x768 or greater monitor resolution
- Intel processor
- Mac OS X 10.5 or later
- Intel Pentium 4 processor (or compatible)
- Windows XP SP3 or later
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Alien Skin Eye Candy 2012 Full Crack
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