Avast Internet Security v 7.0.1426 ini memiliki semua fitur dari Avast Antivirus, plus Firewall, filter antispam, scanner command-line, dan Avast SafeZone (Desktop teman-teman akan benar-benar aman, sehingga aplikasi lain bahkan keyloggers dapat terdeteksi oleh Avast Internet Security v 7). Avast Internet Security v 7 dirancang khusus agar teman-teman dapat belanja online dengan aman atau untuk urusan perbankan sekalipun.Avast Internet Security v 7 dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga ukurannya tidak terlalu besar dan tidak terlalu membebani PC teman-teman dan memberikan perlindungan yang lebih cepat dari pendahulunya
dan menawarkan beberapa web browser yang mempunyai reputasi baik,. Semua fitur tersebut digabungkan dalam real-time keamanan terhadap malware yang dikenal dan tidak dikenal. Avast Internet Security v 7 menyediakan perlindungan yang maksimal, dirancang bagi teman-teman yang senang berbelanja dan bank online atau menyimpan data sensitif pada komputer teman-teman. Selain itu Avast Internet Security v 7 kini telah meningkatkan proses instalasi menjadi lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. Bukan yang tercepat, tetapi instalasi standar hanya dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 menit saja. Cukup cepat bukan?
Installation with image :


Semoga Bermanfaat,>_<\

Link Download

Avast! Internet Security 7.0.1426 till 2050 Incl Crack Mei

Password : www.gigapurbalingga.com


Winamp adalah salah satu software / aplikasi pemutar music yang paling disukai. Nah baru baru ini Winamp TM telah mengeluarkan versi terbarunya yaitu winamp PRO v 5623. Nah di situs resminya teman-teman harus membayar untuk mendapatkan fasilitas winamp pro ini. Tetapi temang saja karena seperti biasa, kali ini saya akan memberikan winamp pro 2012 v 5623 ini secara full version dan gratis tentunya.

Fitur-fitur terbaru Winamp Pro 2012 5623:
  1. Wireless desktop sync with Winamp for Android™
  2. iTunes Library Import
  3. Major podcast overhaul including new directory powered by Mediafly
  4. New Windows 7 support including taskbar player controls
  5. Available in 16 languages including Turkish, Romanian & Brazilian Portuguese
  6. Improved playlist generator
  7. Add the Winamp Toolbar and control playback from your browser (optional)

Cara Penggunaan Keymaker:
1. install WINAMP PRO 5623
2. setelah minta registrasi, buka KEYMAKER nya,
3. pilih 5.0+KEY, terus isikan NAMA dan SERIAL SESUAI yang tampil di KEYmaker,
4. enjoy, WINAMP PRO 5623 full version

Semoga Artikel ini Bermanfaat,>_<

Link Download

Winamp Pro 5623 Full Keymaker

Password : www.gigapurbalingga.com


SmadAV 2012 adalah salah satu antivirus buatan anak negeri yang sangat diminati oleh para pengguna PC/Laptop. Nah sekarang telah diluncurkan SmadAV rev terbarunya yaitu SmadAV 2012 Rev. 9.0.1 Pro + Keygen. Nah dalam SmadAV 2012 rev 9 ini telah diupgrade databasenya dengan penambahan sekitar 900 virus baru dan perbaikan beberapa bugs yang terdapat dalam SmadAV rev sebelumnya. Langsung saja bagi teman-teman yang ingin menggunakan SmadAV 2012 Rev. 9.0.1 Pro + Keygen ini silahkan download secara gratis pada link yang saya sediakan di bawah.

Panduan Instalasi :
1. Jalankan Keygen - Buat nama anda - Pilih Jenis Licensi (Personal / Warnet / Perusahaan)
   * Note : Buatlah nama seaneh mungkin agar tidak ada yang menyamai
2. Jalankan SmadAV - Setting
3. Isikan Nama dan Serialnya sesuai Keygen
Untuk SMADAV 8.x Disarankan menggunakan tipe lisensi PERSONAL

Cara Menghilangkan Blacklist SmadAV v 8.5 ke atas:
1. Exit SMADAV RTP (Klik Kanan Tray Icon - EXIT)
2. Disconnect Internet
3. Jalankan RUN - ketik : regedit
5. Hapus : IfPitchAndFamily, IfPitch?ndFamily, IfPitch?ndFamily3.
   (Pokoknya yang IfPitchAndFamily...)
6. Close Registry Editor
7. Jalankan SMADAV
8. Setting - Isikan datanya sesuai keygen

Semoga Bermanfaat,>_<

Link Download

SmadAV 2012 Rev. 9.0.1 Pro + Keygen

Keygen Only

Paswword : www.gigapurbalingga.com


Lindungi PC / Laptop teman-teman semua dengan menggunakan AVG Internet Security, perlindungan AVG Internet Security yang paling canggih. Anda akan mendapatkan perlindungan-online gratis setiap saat. Produk ini memenangkan berbagai penghargaan yang dapat memberikan Anda keamanan Internet yang tidak ada duanya dengan melindungi terhadap virus, spyware, hacker, spam dan situs-situs berbahaya. AVG Internet Security adalah solusi handal dan mudah digunakan untuk rumah dan pengguna kantor kecil yang dipercaya oleh jutaan pengguna di seluruh dunia.

AVG Internet Security memiliki beberapa lapisan perlindungan sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang identitas, spam atau virus. Dengan menggunakan AVG Internet Security ini teman-teman juga dapat memblokir secara otomatis situs yang berbahaya. Lebih cepat, lebih pintar dan keamanan yang tidak akan memperlambat komputer Anda. Dengan AVG Internet Security Anda juga memiliki akses untuk pertama kalinya untuk Satuan AVG Identity Theft Recovery yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan kembali kehidupan Anda agar jika Anda pernah menjadi korban pencurian identitas - online atau offline. Berkat keamanan yang unik internet untuk teknologi baru - Hanya AVG memberikan perlindungan real-time terhadap situs berbahaya berkat teknologi baru LinkScanner.
Nah bagi teman-teman yang bermainat untuk segera mencoba AVG Internet Security 2012 SP1 12.0.2171 ini silahkan segera download pada link yang tersedia di bawah. Saya juga menyediakan key untuk AVG Internet Security 2012 SP1 12.0.2171 ini, jadi AVG Internet Security 2012 SP1 12.0.2171 ini akan menjadi full version.
Semoga Bermanfaat,>_<

Link Download

Password : www.gigapurbalingga.com


Alien Skin Eye Candy 2012 Full Crack
Alien Skin Eye Candy adalah salah satu pluggin photoshop yang terdiri dari 30 set filter photoshop yang elegan yang dapat menangani berbagai desain dan logo yang apik dengan hasil akhir yang spektakuler.  Alien Skin Eye Candy ini juga dapat memberikan detail pada fenomena alam yang lebih nyata dan sangat detail. Antarmuka Alien Skin Eye
Candy yang sederhana memudahkan penggunanya untuk menghemat banyak waktu ketika menggunakan Adobe Photoshop. Alien Skin Eye Candy dibuat untuk menuntut lingkungan produksi dengan fitur seperti CMYK mode, CPU multi-core , dukungan 64-bit Photoshop, dan dua panel custom untuk Photoshop CS 4 dan diatasnya. Non-destruktif editing dicapai melalui Photoshop Smart Filter atau membuat efek pada layer baru.
Alien Skin Eye Candy 2012 Full Crack
Whats New Alien Skin Eye Candy 2012 Full Crack:
1. Perfomance
Under the hood, the Eye Candy rendering engine has changed significantly. You will notice that the filters are much faster and can run on much larger images than before. If you have a computer with one or more multi-core CPUs, Eye Candy will take advantage of the modern hardware to accelerate its rendering speed. 
2. Scalling Modes
Eye Candy 6 adaptively scales filter effects to the current image size, making it easy to get great looking results quickly. Factory settings now work better than ever in the new adaptive mode. For those who want precise control in a graphic design production environment, Eye Candy also supports a fixed mode, which allows the filter effects to be specified precisely in pixel units. 
3. Settings
Settings have been reorganized and now have categories. If you are new to a filter, the Settings Tour category takes you on a trip through the filter’s most interesting effects. The factory settings were completely remade. There are now over 1500 carefully designed settings that handle a wide range of common design tasks. 
4. Fire
The Fire filter now looks more natural. Sharp edges have been smoothed to look more like realistic gaseous flames.
5. Panels
Panels for Photoshop CS4 are provided for starting Eye Candy filters with a single click and for quickly creating attractive buttons. 
6. Non-Destructive Editing
All of the filters now have the option to draw their output on a new layer. In Eye Candy 5 this feature was only available on some filters and it didn’t work the same for all filters. Now all filters consistently apply their effect to a copy above the original layer. The new layer is named after the setting used. All of the filters work as Smart Filters when applied to Smart Objects in Photoshop. These features contribute to a non-destructive workflow.
7. Professional Features
Eye Candy is made for professionals in demanding production environments who need support for 16-bit/channel images and CMYK mode. Eye Candy 6 now takes advantage of multi-core CPUs to run fast on modern machines. Eye Candy 6 is one of the first plug-ins to work with the 64-bit version of Photoshop.

Host Requirements:

This product requires one of the following host applications:
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3 or later
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 or later

System Requirements:

1024x768 or greater monitor resolution
  • Intel processor
  • Mac OS X 10.5 or later
  • Intel Pentium 4 processor (or compatible)
  • Windows XP SP3 or later
Semoga Artikel ini Bermanfaat,>_<

Link Download

Alien Skin Eye Candy 2012 Full Crack

Password : www.gigapurbalingga.com


Naruto MUGEN New Era 2012 New Version-Sasuke Eternal

Semangat pagi teman-teman, kemarin saya telah share game naruto mugen 2012, nah sekarang saya share lagi versi terbaru dari naruto MUGEN new era ini. Dalam game versi terbaru ini lebih banyak efek-efek yang ditambahkan, sehingga membuat game naruto MUGEN new era 2012 new version ini menjadi lebih menarik dari versi sebelumnya. Bagi teman-teman yang penasaran dan ingin melihatnya dulu silahkan liat video dibawah ini.

Semoga Bermanfaat,>_<

Link Download

Naruto MUGEN New Era 2012 New Version-Sasuke Eternal (Via Rapidshare)

Naruto MUGEN New Era 2012 New Version-Sasuke Eternal (Via 4Shared) 

Beberapa Makanan yang Membuat Gigi Putih

detail berita 
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Selamat pagi kawan-kawan semua, pada kesempatan kali ini Bang Dayat akan share Beberapa Makanan yang Membuat Gigi Putih. Gigi putih membuat senyum memikat dan tampilan memesona. Memiliki gigi putih sering diidamkan banyak orang. Selain membuat percaya diri sang pemilik, gigi putih menjadikan pesona tersendiri bagi Anda. Selain rajin memelihara kesehatan dan keindahan gigi, Anda dapat mewujudkannya dengan minum dan makan ini, seperti dilansir Plurielles.

Anda tertarik memiliki gigi putih yang indah? berikut ini adalah beberapa daftar makanan dan minuman beserta kegunaan/fungsinya masing-masing yang dapat membuat gigi anda lebih putih bersih yang saya kutip langsung dari sumbernya (Okezone.com), yuk mari kita simak bersama-sama kawan.

  • Air putih
Air putih merupakan makanan pertama pemutih gigi. Minum segelas air dapat membersihkan bagian dalam mulut, serta membilas mulut dari semua residu atau sisa makanan pada gigi setelah makan. Jika tidak dibersihkan, sisa makanan akan menumpuk di email gigi dan membentuk plak.
  • Jeruk lemon
Jus lemon dapat membuat gigi menjadi putih. Kandungan asam sitrat dalam lemon mampu memutihkan email gigi. Sikatlah gigi Anda dengan air jeruk lemon satu pekan sekali untuk mendapatkan gigi putih memesona.
  • Apel
Dengan mengunyah apel, gigi Anda akan bertambah putih. Hal ini dikarenakan ketika Anda mengunyah, mulut akan memproduksi air liur yang dapat membersihkan bagian dalam mulut dan menghilangkan sisa makanan atau residu yang dapat menyerang gigi.
  • Wortel
Seperti halnya apel, dengan mengunyah wortel, mulut akan memproduksi air liur untuk membersihkan mulut, dan dapat membuat mulut menjadi segar.
  • Keju
Makanan kaya kalsium seperti keju baik untuk menjaga gigi putih, dan juga dapat memperkuat gigi anda karena kaya akan kalsium seperti susu.
  • Daun mint
Untuk meningkatkan produksi air liur dalam mulut, kunyahlah daun mint, daun salam, atau daun sage. Selain membersihkan gigi dan rongga mulut, daun-daun tersebut juga menyegarkan nafas.
  • Kacang almond
Untuk melindungi enamel gigi, penting untuk mengonsumsi makanan yang bersifat alkali, seperti almond, kentang, buah-buahan, dan sayuran. Jika pH mulut terlalu rendah (basa) atau tinggi (asam) dapat menyerang enamel gigi Anda. Karena itu, mengonsumsi makanan yang bersifat alkali dapat meningkatkan pH dan mencegah hiper-asam dalam mulut.
  • Susu
Seperti keju, susu kaya akan kalsium yang menjaga agar gigi tetap putih. Susu bersifat alkali yang dapat mengurangi keasaman mulut, melindungi enamel gigi, dan memutihkan gigi.
Semoga dapat bermanfaat buat kawan-kawan semua


TuneUp Utilities 2012 Full ( Keymaker )

TuneUp Utilities is a complete suite of tools designed to enable you to effectively optimize your system performance. With a world innovation for top speed, and increased performance for Windows, games and programs! Clean your hard drive and registry safely. And solve many PC problems by yourself – with over 30 tools.
  • TuneUp Program Deactivator Fully automated!
  • TuneUp Economy Mode NEW!
  • Turbo Mode
  • TuneUp Live Optimization
  • Disable startup programs
  • Accelerate system startup and shutdown
  • Defragment hard disk
Download TuneUp Utilities 2012 Full ( Keymaker ) | 25 MB : 
Mirror Download :

Trojan Remover 6.8 Full ( Patch )

Trojan Remover aids in the removal of Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are good at detecting this Malware, but not always so good at effectively removing it.
Trojan Remover is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by standard antivirus and trojan scanners.
Features of Trojan Remover:

Trojan Remover will examine all the system files, including the Windows Registry and determine the programs and files that are loaded at boot time. The majority of Trojan Horses (once triggered) are loaded this way.

Trojan Remover will scan ALL the files loaded at boot time for Remote Access Trojans ('backdoors', like NetBus, SubSeven, Optix Pro, Back Orifice etc.), Internet Worms and other malware.

For each identified Trojan Horse, Worm, or other malware, Trojan Remover will pop up an alert screen showing the file location and name; it will offer to remove the program's reference from the system files and allow you to rename the file to stop its activation.

Most modern Trojans make themselves memory-resident, making their de-activation more difficult. How many times have you been told to start your computer in 'Safe' mode, or even worse, in DOS? Trojan Remover will do all this for you. When a Trojan is found that is memory-resident, Trojan Remover will (on request) reboot your system and completely DISABLE the Trojan before Windows restarts. It also protects the system files whilst doing so by making them read-only.

Trojan Remover writes to a detailed logfile each time a Scan is performed. This file contains information on which programs are loaded at boot-time, and what (if any) actions Trojan Remover carried out. This logfile can be printed out for future reference.

The program incorporates the ability to automatically scan for Trojans every time you start your computer.

You can scan individual files and directories from within Windows Explorer.

Trojan Remover incorporates an integral Updater allowing for quick and easy Database updates.

What's New in Trojan Remover 6.8 :

* Added new heuristic detection algorithms.
* Various GUI changes.

Compatible with :Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32-bit)
Download Trojan Remover 6.8 Full ( Patch ) | 10.92 MB :

E.M. Total Video Converter HD 3.7 Final Full ( Serial Key )

E.M. Total Video Converter is a piece of extremely powerful and full-featured converter software that supports almost all video and audio formats. The software is designed to convert video for your mobile video player as 3gp, mp4, PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone etc and also VCD or DVD player, XBOX360.
New Total Video Converter 3.60 let you experience Unparalleled High-Definition movie. It is the best and unique software today with incomparable support for converting and burning video to AVCHD disc which can work on PS3 and Blu-ray player. Meanwhile, it supports for converting and burning video to HD formats like H.264 TS, Mpeg-2 TS, WMV-HD, MKV-HD, DivX-HD, Divx-HD, MOV-HD, FLV-HD and MP4-HD.

E.M. Total Video Converter Features:

* New! Convert and burn video to AVCHD which can work on PS3 and Blu-ray player. What's more, the HD videos of AVCHD (*.mts, .m2ts, *.ts) can been converted to any other video formats.
* New! Convert video to HD formats like H.264 TS, Mpeg-2 TS, WMV-HD, MKV-HD, DivX-HD, Xvid-HD, MOV-HD, FLA-HD and MP4-HD
* New! Convert and burn WMV-HD video to DVD. Meanwhile, it can work on XBOX360.
* New! Convert and burn common video to DivX-DVD. More importantly, it can work on DVD player with DivX capability.
* Convert all kinds of videos to mobile videos or audios (mp4, 3gp, xvid, divx mpeg4 avi, amr audio) which are used by cell-phone, PDA, PSP, iPod, iPhone, Xbox360, PS3 etc.;
* Photos slide show combines multi-photos and musics with more than 300 photos fantasy transition effect;
* High compatibility and high efficiency for Importing RMVB or RM video/audio;
* Convert various videos to MPEG videos compatible with standard DVD/SVCD/VCD;
* Burn the converted videos to DVD/SVCD/VCD;
* Rip DVD to popular videos of all sorts;
* Extract audio from various of videos and convert which to all kinds of audios (mp3, ac3, ogg, wav, aac);
* RIP CD to audios of all sorts directly;
* Support using with command line;
* Combine several video and audio files to one video file;
* Demultiplex or extract video and audio;
* Multiplex video and audio to one file;

Total Video Converter supports reading the following file formats:

Video Formats:
. Rmvb(.rm,.rmvb); MPEG4(.mp4); 3gp(.3gp, 3g2); Game Psp(.psp); MPEG1(.mpg, mpeg); MPEG2 PS (.mpg, mpeg, vob); MPEG2 TS (DVB Transport Stream); Ms ASF(.asf, .wmv); Ms AVI(.avi); Macromedia Flash video FLV (.flv); Real Video (rm); Apple Quicktime(.mov); FLIC format(.fli, .flc); Gif Animation(.gif); DV (.dv); Matroska (.mkv); ogm (.ogm); Video Formats Dx9 Directshow can open.

Audio Formats:
. CD audio(.cda); MPEG audio(.mp3, mp2); Ms WAV(.wav); Ms WMA(.wma); Real Audio (.ra); OGG(.ogg); Amr audio(.amr); AC3(.ac3); SUN AU format (.au); Macromedia Flash embedded audio(.swf); Audio Formats Dx9 Directshow can open.

Game Video Formats:
. Technologies format, used in some games(.4xm)
. Playstation STR
. Id RoQ used in Quake III, Jedi Knight 2, other computer games
. format used in various Interplay computer games,Interplay MVE
. multimedia format used in Origin's Wing Commander III computer game,WC3 Movie
. used in many Sega Saturn console games, Sega FILM/CPK
. Multimedia formats used in Westwood Studios games, Westwood Studios VQA/AUD
. Used in Quake II, Id Cinematic (.cin)
. used in Sierra CD-ROM games, Sierra VMD
. used in Sierra Online games, .sol files
. Electronic Arts Multimedia, Matroska
. used in various EA games; files have extensions like WVE and UV2
. Nullsoft Video (NSV) format

Total Video Converter supports generating the following file formats:

Video Formats:
. MPEG4(.mp4); 3gp(.3gp, 3g2); Game Psp(.psp); MPEG1(.mpg, mpeg); NTSC, PAL DVD mpeg; NTSC, PAL SVCD mpeg; NTSC, PAL VCD mpeg; Ms Mpeg4 AVI(.avi); Divx AVI(.avi); Xvid AVI(.avi); H264 AVI(.avi); Mjpeg AVI(.avi); HuffYUV AVI(.avi); Swf Video(.swf); Flv Video (.flv); Gif Animation(.gif); Mpeg4 Mov(.mov); Apple Quicktime(.mov); FLIC format(.fli, .flc); Gif Animation(.gif); DV (.dv); WMV (.wmv); ASF(.asf)

Audio Formats:
. MPEG audio(.mp3, mp2); Ms WAV(.wav); Ms WMA(.wma); OGG(.ogg)
. Amr audio(.amr); AC3(.ac3); SUN AU format (.au); m4a(mp4 audio); aac(aac audio); mmf(mmf audio); Flac(flac audio)

What's New in Total Video Converter v3.71:

Integrate into Windows Explorer with context menu

Compatible with: Win98/98SE/Me/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista/Win7 ( 32 y 64 bits )
Language: English, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Japanese and Chinese

Download E.M. Total Video Converter HD 3.7 Final Full ( Serial Key ) |  15 MB :
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DVDFab Platinum 8.1 Final Full ( Crack and Patch )


DVDFab is the most powerful and flexible DVD copying/burning software. You can back up any DVD to DVDR in just a few clicks. DVDFab is brand new, is completely rewritten, is based on more than 8 years of DVD copy software development. DVDFab is simply the easiest way to copy a DVD movie.
Just insert the movie and a blank DVD then press Start. Your entire movie - including menus, trailers and special features - is copied to a single DVD with just one click, and everything happens automatically. Backup your entire DVD - including menus, trailers, and special features - onto one or multiple discs.

 DVDFab includes:

A) DVD Copy: is the most powerful and flexible DVD copying/burning software. With 8 copy modes, you can backup any DVD to DVDR or hard drive in just one or a few clicks.

1. Mode Full Disc: All movies, menus and trailers, is copied to a DVD with just one click.
2. Mode Main Movie: Just copy the movie, with specific audio/subpicture.
3. Mode Split: Copy a DVD-9 onto two DVD-5 discs with 100% quality, and preserve original menus on both discs. Ideal for episodic/season DVD movies, TV series, etc.
4. Mode Customize: Personalize your DVDs! Want to make a DVD with only your favorite titles? How about cutting out those annoying commercials? Or selecting specific audio/subpicture? No problem! You can select just your favorite titles, specify the title playback order, with or without original menus, to create a DVD with only the stuff you want!
5. Mode Customize Split: Copy a DVD-9 onto two DVD-5 discs using "Customize" way. Ideal for episode/season DVD.
6. Mode Clone: Make perfect 1:1 bit-to-bit copy of DVDs:
* Make perfect dual layer DVD copy by using the original layer break position.
* Copy data DVD disc, like PS2 DVD.
7. Mode Merge: Combine several titles of several sources into one DVD:
* Combine two DVD-9 like "The Lord of the Rings" into one DVD-9.
* Merge season DVDs to fewer discs.
* Create your own special features collection disc.
8. Mode Write Data: Burn existing DVD folder or ISO image file to DVD writer, or convert DVD folder to ISO image file.

- Burn to any blank DVD Disc (DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL).
- Constantly updated to support latest DVD burners and blank DVD discs.
- Remove all DVD copy protections, like CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2, etc.
- Constantly updated to support latest DVD copy protections.
- Compress DVD-9 to single DVD-5.
- Very fast copying speed, normally it's about 10 - 20 minutes.
- Backup scratched/dirty disc
- Support both NTSC and PAL DVD.
- Preview title like real DVD player.

B) Blu-ray Copy: is the first full-featured Blu-ray copying/burning software. With 4 copy modes, you can backup Blu-ray to BD-R, DVDR or hard drive in just one or a few clicks.

1. Mode Full Disc: # All movies, menus and trailers, is copied to a Blu-ray with just one click.
2. Mode Main Movie: Just copy the movie, with specific audio/subpicture.
3. Mode Clone: Make perfect 1:1 bit-to-bit copy of Blu-ray.
4. Mode Write Data: Burn existing Blu-ray folder or ISO image file to Blu-ray writer, or convert Blu-ray folder to ISO image file.

- Compress BD-50 to BD-25/BD-9/BD-5.
- Very fast copying speed.
- Burn to any blank Blu-ray Disc (BD-R 25, BD-RE 25, BD-R 50, BD-RE 50).
- Constantly updated to support latest Blu-ray burners and blank Blu-ray discs.
- Burn to any blank DVD Disc (DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL).
- Remove all known AACS copy protections.
- Remove Region Code, BD-Live and UOPs.
- Removes BD+ copy protection.
- Constantly updated to support latest Blu-ray copy protections.
- Compress BD-50 to single BD-25, BD-9 or BD-5.
- Burn to cheap blank DVD Disc (BD-9 and BD-5).
- Remove HD audio (convert Dolby TrueHD to Dolby AC3, convert DTS-HD Master Audio to DTS) to save space for video when compression is needed.
- Include internal UDF 2.50 parser to read Blu-ray, no need to install third party driver.
9. Open Blu-ray from disc, ISO image file or folder.
10. Support both NTSC and PAL Blu-ray.
11. Preview title like real Blu-ray player.

C) DVD Ripper: converts DVD title to AVI/MP4/WMV/MKV files which can be played on mobile devices like iPod, PSP, ZUNE, cell phone, etc. 10 DVD to Mobile copy mode available: Generic, iPod, PSP, ZUNE, NDS, Xbox 360, PS3, Cell Phone, PVP and PDA. More devices support can be added manually.

D) Blu-ray Ripper: converts Blu-ray title to MKV/MP4/AVI/WMV files which can be played on next generation console like PS3 and Xbox 360,or HD player like WD TV Live. 6 Blu-ray to Mobile copy mode available: Xbox 360, PS3, to MKV, to AVI, to MP4 and Audio.More devices support can be added manually.

E) Blu-ray 3D Ripper: DVDFab Blu-ray 3D Ripper, accurately the world's first Blu-ray 3D converter software, can get rid of all Blu-ray protections and freely convert Blu-ray 3D to 3D video files like AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV for playback on 3D display device. Especially, this best Blu-ray to 3D converter supports the current popular side-by-side format for 3D Blu-ray content. And with its outstanding speed, quality and robust functions, you must be happy.

- 4 Blu-ray 3D ripping modes: to MKV, to AVI, to MP4 and to WMV.
- Rip and convert any Blu-ray 3D to 3D video in left/right (side-by-side) or top/bottom format
- Video frame size can be full (100%) or half (50%)

F) Blu-ray to DVD Converter: It has the power to remove all known AACS copy protections, all known BD+ copy protections, Region Code, BD-Live, UOPs, MKB V19 and the newest MKB V20, to help you get access to any Blu-ray movies.
It converts any Blu-ray to DVD 9 or DVD 5 with high quality; copies and backups your Blu-ray from disc to your computer; creates DVD video from the Blu-ray saved on your PC.
Both NTSC and PAL Blu-ray are supported. The internal UDF 2.50 parser is included to read Blu-ray. Neither in the reading process nor converting process does Blu-ray to DVD Converter need any help from any third party utility.
What's more, it also supports batch conversion, multi-core CPUs, and the newest NVIDIA CUDA to delight users with cool speed, and save time and energy.

G) Video Converter: converts source video file on your PC to next generation console like PS3 and Xbox 360, or mobile devices. 10 "File to Mobile" conversion mode available: Generic, iPod, PSP, ZUNE, NDS, Xbox 360, PS3, Cell Phone, PVP and PDA. More devices support can be added manually.

H) File Mover: Transfer converted files to devices. Currently it supports iPod, PSP and ZUNE, and it will support more devices in the future.

Download DVDFab Platinum 8.1 Final Full ( Crack and Patch ) | 25 MB : 
Mirror Download : 

FinalWire AIDA64 Extreme Edition 2 Full ( Serial Key )

 AIDA64 Extreme Edition is a streamlined Windows diagnostic and benchmarking software for home users. AIDA64 Extreme Edition provides a wide range of features to assist in overclocking, hadware error diagnosis, stress testing, and sensor monitoring. It has unique capabilities to assess the performance of the processor, system memory, and disk drives. AIDA64 is compatible with all current 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Unique features

* Low-level hardware information: 47 pages
* Software and operating system information: 45 pages
* Security related information: 6 pages
* DirectX information including Direct3D acceleration features
* Diagnostics module that simplifies troubleshooting
* Tweaking features
* 13 benchmark modules to measure CPU, FPU and memory performance.
* Benchmark reference results to compare measured performance to other systems
* Cache & Memory Benchmark Suite
* Hard disk, optical drive and flash drive benchmarking with RAID array support
* UpTime and DownTime statistics with critical errors counter
* Monitor Diagnostics to check the capabilities of CRT and LCD displays
* System Stability Test with thermal monitoring to stress CPU, FPU, memory, caches and disks
* Hardware Monitoring to monitor system temperatures and voltages on the System Tray, OSD, Vista Sidebar or Logitech keyboard LCD
* Temperature, voltage and fan RPM data logging to HTML and CSV log files
* Overheating, voltage drop, overvoltage and cooling fan failure detection New!
* High Definition Audio and OpenAL sound card details New!
* AMD Stream and nVIDIA CUDA GPGPU device information New!
* Web links: IT portals, software and driver download
* Manufacturer links: product information, driver and BIOS download
* Hardware information database for over 121,000 devices
* Overclock information

What's New in AIDA64 Extreme Edition v2.00.1700

* Automatic Online Update
* Support for Intel Sandy Bridge-E processors
* Enhanced support for Western Digital hard disk drives
* Revamped ACPI table enumeration and decoding
* Support for VMware Workstation v8
* GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M

Compatible with:

* Windows 95/98/Me
* Windows NT4/2000
* Windows XP (32/64-bit)
* Windows PE
* Windows Server 2003
* Windows Vista (32/64-bit)
* Windows Server 2008
* Windows Server 2008 R2
* Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

Multilingual: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, etc

Download FinalWire AIDA64 Extreme Edition 2 Full ( Serial Key ) | 12.31 MB :
Mirror Download :

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (PC/ENG) Gratis Link Mediafire

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Sekarang van akan share lagi game terbaru yaitu Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Game Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City merupakan seri Resident Evil yang terbaru di 2012 ini judulnya Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City adalah game yang diterbitkan oleh Capcom dengan genre horor, penasaran bagaimana serunya game resident evil: operation raccoon langsung saja Download Game Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (PC/ENG) Gratis Link Mediafire di bawah ini.

Download Game Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (PC/ENG) Gratis Link Mediafire
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City delivers a accurate third being aggregation based ballista acquaintance set aural the aphotic and adverse Resident Evil cosmos and a reinterpretation of the contest depicted in Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 3. Zombies and Bio-Organic Weapons (B.O.W's) add to the mix as players not alone attempt adjoin an opposing band but aswell accouterment this third capricious element, creating a cast new appearance of gameplay and breaking the conventions of acceptable aggregation based shooters.

System Requirements :
Windows Vista/XP/7
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad 2.7 Ghz or Higher
8 GB free space
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or better


Street Fighter X Tekken (PC/ENG) Gratis Link Mediafire

Street Fighter X Tekken - Buat sobat yang suka game Arcade nie van kasih game terbaru judulnya Street Fighter X Tekken keren abis, Game Street Fighter X Tekken merupakan game kolaborasi antara Street Fighter dengan Tekken yang tentunya seru abis. Street Fighter X Tekken adalah game yang diterbitkan oleh Capcom di tahun 2012 ini, penasaran bagaimana serunya game street fighter x tekken ini langsung saja kita simak Download Game Street Fighter X Tekken (PC/ENG) Gratis Link Mediafire di bawah ini.

Download Game Street Fighter X Tekken

Download Game Street Fighter X Tekken (PC/ENG) Gratis Link Mediafire
Street Fighter X Tekken features two new game mechanics: the Gem System and Pandora Mode. Players equip up to three gems to their characters, which provide different stat boosts depending on the type of gem. Six varieties of gems exist: attack, defense, speed, vitality, assist, and Cross Gauge. Each gem and its effects are designated by a specific color, and will activate as the players fulfill certain conditions during battle. When a character on a player's team has less than 25% health remaining, that character can be sacrificed in order to activate Pandora Mode, which gives the remaining fighter increased strength and an infinite Cross Gauge. However, this state has a time limit and the player will automatically lose if he/she cannot defeat the opponent before the Pandora state runs out.

Game Street Fighter X Tekken
Game Street Fighter X Tekken pc

System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core2 Duo 2.60GHz (or higher) or AMD Phenom II X2 (or higher)
VGA: nVidia GF8800 (or higher) or ATi X1950 (or higher) with 512MB of RAM
DX: 9.0c
OS: Windows Vista, 7
HDD: 10GB of free space
Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible


Campgrounds v1.5.0.0-TE (143.73MB)

Download Campgrounds v1.5.0.0 TE

Release name: Campgrounds.v1.5.0.0-TE
Size: 143.73 MB
Release Date: 04.2012
Language: ENG
NFO: Here
Release Description:
Adventure awaits in Campgrounds as you grow a prosperous company with Addie as your partner. You will develop campsites in astonishing locations and choose the path your business follows. Do you seek fortune? Do you strive to be green? Or can you find a balance? Uncover secret campsites by piecing together scattered treasure maps. Follow the clues left behind by an ancient civilization and unearth a hidden artifact. Do you and Addie have what it takes to become the next Campground Developer of the Year?
  • Develop exciting campsites
  • Unlock secret levels
  • Become Campground Developer of the Year
Download Campgrounds v1.5.0.0 TE

Download Campgrounds v1.5.0.0 TE 

Password= tkjpro-xp
Download Di Sini...

Cara download:

1. klik tulisan download yg ad di Tkjpro-xp
2. masukkan password ke tinypaste
3. copy link yg tersedia
4. enjoy

Counter Strike eXtreme V5


Game yg baru di publikasikan tahun 2010 ini update terbaru dari yg V3. Bisa di bayangkan di CS versi 1.6 aja bnyak bgt peminat nya. Pokok nya game ini bkin kamu ketagihan main trus deh. Update dari game ini sperti di senjata nya bnyak yg baru" seperti di Pointblank jika kamu tau. Human nya juga bnyak yg baru baik di CT maupun di Tero nya.. Pokok nya buruan deh kamu mainkan game ini. Nyesel deh kamu klo ga download n mainkan game ini. Main game ini sambil ngeLAN lawan lah tmn kamu. jadikan kamu master CS V5 ini.
Download game disini aja.

Game Play

tuh update snjata nya lumayan bnyak kan. Pasti kamu ga sabar deh pgn mainkan game nya.
DI jamin pasti ga nyesel download game ini.
Langsung aja deh.

Berikut link download nya:
PART 1 (400MB)

PART 2 (394.47MB)

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung ^_^

Alien Shooter Revisited Full RIP + Cheat Mediafire

Lanjut lagi postingan game nya nih sobat...Alien Shooter Revisited adalah game yang bergenre perang dimana disini kita mempunyai misi untuk mengalahkan para monster yang gagal di uji coba pada sebuah labolatorium dan monster itu menyerang dunia....jadi disini kita harus menghancurkan para monster itu...jadi apakah sobat ingin mencobanya...Silahkan..

Sebetulnya saya malas kasih cheat nya karena jadi tidak seru...tapi bagi yang baru belajar bolehlah memakai cheat ini
Cheat Codes

In game mode:
remgamma - remove gamma on the level

stwin - complete level successfully.

cheath - gives 1000 hp.

st1 - gives 15000 hp.

st2 - invincibility.

stammo - gives some ammo.

stexp or cheatexp - adds enough exp for getting new level.

cheats - + 50 to the speed skill.

cheatw - + 100 skills of weapons reloading.

stkk - to kill all monsters withing a radius of 1000 pixels from the character.

stk9 - to kill all monsters on the map.

stgod - makes all skills (except perk) 100 or 200 sequential. adds also 50000 money.

stm or cheatm - + 10 000 money.

stshop - download shop on the level.

stmus[x] - turn the x number of tracks.

stmusstop - stop current track.

stat - turn on\off current statistics.

NOTE: To enable cheat codes type letters
on the keyboard during the game.

Di Menu survival cheat tidak bekerja

System Requirement
  • Windows XP/2000/ME/98
  • Pentium 3 600MHz or Athlon 600 MHz or higher processor
  • 128 MB
  • 100% DirectX 9.0b-compliant 16 MB video card and drivers
  • DirectX 9.0b
  • 4x CD-ROM Drive
  • DirectX 9.0b-compatible 16-bit sound card
  • 827 MB (plus 400 MB for Windows swap file
Cara Instal
  1. Setup .bat
  2. Mount or burn image
  3. Install
  4. Copy all file from the Alien Shooter Revisited folder to the game installation
  5. Play the game
  6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!
Download Here :
Selamat Bermain ^_^
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1. Space Craft

2. My Beautiful Rainmeter Skins

3. Tron Legacy Rainmeter Theme

4. Dark Eve Rainmeter Theme

5. Fly Away Rainmeter Skins

6. Skyrim_Rainmeter_Suite_v2

7. Russian_Alien_Rainmeter_Skin

8. I-Pad Clock 2 for Rainmeter

9. White Reflection White Skin

10. Circular Upgrade 2012

11. Alien Skin Rainmeter

12. Luna Dream Blue

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Semoga Artikel ini Bermanfaat,>_<
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